Sanders Wins Big in Nevada

Daniel Fabian, Ismail Khassa, and Hunter Neuman

On Saturday, February 22nd, Fox News covered the Nevada caucus election and its results in a special report delivered by reporter and chief political anchor, Bret Baier, called Democracy 2020: The Nevada Caucuses.

According to a Fox News press release, as results from the Nevada Caucus poured in, Bernie Sanders emerged as a clear favorite, receiving 46.8% of the votes and 24 delegates. Joe Biden was second with 20.2% of the votes and nine delegates. Pete Buttigieg finished third, with 14.3% of the votes and three delegates. This is alarming for the more moderate members of the Democratic Party as Sanders’s policies are on the more radical side. With Sanders favored to win, the Democratic establishment is in a state of disarray and fearful that it will bestow the nomination on a self-described “democratic socialist.” 

Sanders was able to reach a wide array of voters, across all democratic voter demographics in the state. One key group of voters who were able to give Sanders the edge against the other candidates were young Latinos registered as democrats. This instrumental minority propelled Sanders to win Nevada by an insurmountable margin as this group had one of the highest voter turnouts in recent history. His ability to win over union and nonunion members was another contributing factor that led to his victory on Saturday, along with the fact that he was able to gain support from both college graduates and voters without college degrees. Winning a state that is as culturally and economically diverse as Nevada, Sanders may be able to clinch a diverse set of voters if he is able to secure the nomination in June. 

And with the results of the Nevada caucus, it is looking increasingly likely that Sanders will win the nomination. While it is not a guarantee that he will win it, there has not been a candidate strong enough to compete with him in any state primary. Bernie’s recent success can be somewhat unnerving to many centrist Democrats who believe that he is jeopardizing the state of the party if he were to win the nomination; however, he is in fact drawing even more Americans to the political process and establishing a broader coalition of voters that will ultimately help him gain the support he needs to win the nomination and ultimately defeat President Trump.