Kelsey Koehler and Alexia Celli: Tiger TV Live From Home
May 5, 2020

Every day during school, right at the beginning of block two, Tenafly students are always buzzing to find out what is going to be on the latest episode of THS TV. Now that we are stuck at home, school isn’t the same. But thanks to seniors Kelsey Koehler and Alexia Celli, as well as their teacher Mr. Moger, one thing is still the same—our morning announcements.
Quarantine was a big shock for everyone, but the TV production crew was prepared for what was coming. They had discussed before school closing what would potentially happen to the morning announcements. When Mr. Morrison asked Koehler, Celli, and Moger to try and pick it back up, they worked really hard to do so, and it’s been extremely successful. “The best part is the positive feedback we have been getting from everyone, especially the teachers,” said Koehler. “Everyone seems to love the shows and the normalcy they have brought to our community during this time, and I think that is pretty special.”
The question that pops into most people’s minds is probably: how do they get everything so organized and put together the announcements at home? Well, here’s the answer. The duo uses the same program they used at school, which is called Rundown Creator, a program that allows them to write the script for the show. They FaceTime each other while they record themselves so they can at least hear the other person and pretend like they are live. “It’s hard because we aren’t live and being more excited, which is why FaceTime helps,” said Celli.
Celli and Koheler have been featuring inspirational messages from the different school departments and have been trying to allow the staff and administrators to communicate with students. They fill the time with extra vlogs people have been sending in or video projects from the rest of the video production class. The duo had no clue they would have such success with this version of morning announcements. “I didn’t know how successful it was going to be and I’m so glad all of our hard work has paid off because everyone loves it!!” Celli expressed. Even with all the positive feedback, the process is very different from what they are used to. When asked what was the worst part about doing the announcements this way, the girls couldn’t name one other than the fact that they can’t be in the studio with their whole crew.
Even with the huge transition from in-school to at-home production, the duo has stayed positive. They look forward to the new productions and enjoy the challenge of coming up with new segments to keep things interesting each week.