How They Did It: Advice from Each THS Grade

June 15, 2020
As we approach the end of the school year, enter new grades, and possibly a new school, stress is normal. We don’t know what to expect, which can prompt apprehension and anxiety for some. Over the past week, I asked THS students from each grade what advice they would give to underclassmen. I’ve gathered some of the responses below:
From Rising Sophomores:
“Just try your best, be adventurous and do things you didn’t think you would (but like, GOOD things; don’t be crazy and don’t do drugs), make the most out of your situation, and be yourself (as cheesy as it sounds). Also, don’t procrastinate! Seriously.” – Jacqueline Kim (’23)
“Don’t focus too much on doing everything in freshman year. You can achieve things you want to accomplish throughout your four years, so find what you are passionate about and just focus on building up experience.” – Sean Kim (’23)
“Take advantage of the time you have in school 🙂 Seeing everyone, whether it’s your friends or teachers is so underrated. Don’t wait to enjoy it until you can’t have it anymore.” – Liri Raz (’23)
“Don’t worry about overwhelming yourself with too many honors. Focus on the topics that you’d like to build your future around.” – Jonathan Levy (’23)
“Have fun!” – Jacob Avni (’23)
“It is okay to be nervous. I was so scared to enter high school when I was in middle school, but I promise you that everything will be okay. I would be lying to you if I told [you] that things will be easy because they definitely won’t be. But, if you stay focused and surround yourself with good people, you will be just fine. I think the best advice I can give you is that in times of stress, you have to remember to breathe. When you get a bad test grade, or you have a ton of homework to do, please do not get yourself worked up, because it will only make things worse. You have to breathe and calm down. Trust me, one bad test grade will not ruin your life, I promise. You can do this, guys!” – Angelique Mitchell (’23)
“Don’t be annoying and make TikToks all the time.” – Yarden Chorev (’23)
From Rising Juniors::
“You shouldn’t stress about not getting an A on everything. Sophomore year is the year where you learn to accept that you make mistakes and can’t be perfect all the time. Learn to be okay with your best efforts even if it’s not the number you were expecting.” – Rebecca Wong (’22)
“Stay on top of your work!” – Lucy Harper (’22)
“Start to think about what you want to be and don’t think about the impossible. If you have a dream, follow it till you reach your limit. Never rush to be successful.” – Minjee (Amanda) Hong (’22)
“You’re in high school once; you might as well have some fun and live your life. And don’t listen to any rumors or labels people give you.” – Jillian Mihalio (’22)
“Make friends with the upperclassmen!” – Kun-Ryo Goh (’22)
“Work hard and take classes seriously. Do not slack at all. Study for each test. Set up time management skills. Join as many clubs and sports as you can. And most importantly, get some sleep.” – Sonal Sharma (’22)
From Rising Seniors:
“I would say prepare for any standardized testing early and get them done as soon as you’re able to (if you are planning to do them), so you already have them done and don’t have to worry as much later in the year.” – Bina Lee (’21)
“It is true that hard work pays off, but from my three years in high school, I have learned the most important thing is balance. Balance your studies, balance your social life, balance your time with your family.” – Michelle Lee (’21)
“Junior year is the hardest year of high school, but look — we all made it! Don’t despair, even when it gets dark. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’ve got this!” – Maia Dimant (’21)
“Work hard.” – Aidan Martin (’21)
“The best advice I could give other students would be to always be yourself when it comes to friends and friendships. Don’t try to follow somebody else’s path – create your own path and your own future. Stay true to yourself no matter what. If you find that you don’t conform to others, just know that you will find your true friends – those who respect you for who you are. Another key piece of advice I have to offer would be to always do your utmost best in every single subject, whether that be in a core subject or physical education. By investing the same amount of energy into all your classes or extracurriculars, you allow yourself to develop a strong sense of discipline and good work habits/ethics. Get involved with the school, too. By doing this, you have the opportunity to meet new friends, gain a sense of belonging, and make a contribution to your school. Do all that you can in your youth to be able to set yourself up for a bright future – one full of success and prosperity.” – Chayna Kanofsky (’21)
“Focus on managing your time” – Julia Smolyak (’21)
From Graduates:
“Don’t be too hard on yourself, don’t beat yourself up” – Abigail Mor (’20), University of Maryland ’24
“Savor every moment and just take a minute once in a while to take it all in, whether it be a hard moment in high school or a fun one because it can all be taken away in a flash of a second. Make memories that you will look back to when you’re done with your four years because, in the end, you aren’t going to remember that test you got a bad grade on or the time you got detention for being late; you will remember your friends and teachers who made an impact on your life and who helped shape you as a person.” – Naama Levy (’20), Israeli Defense Forces
“Take advantage of every moment in high school because it goes by really fast!!” – Ariel Melumad (’20), University of Connecticut ’24
Ironically, I’m not sure what my biggest piece of advice would be. Although my first year in high school has taught me a lot, I feel as though advice should be something that caters to each person’s weaknesses. In other words, no single piece of “good” advice could apply to all students. Instead, I’ll share with you my weaknesses and how I was able to strengthen them day by day. Striving to be “perfect” has been a very prevalent issue in my life. Ever since the 5th grade, I would overstudy for simple quizzes and overwork for each one of my assignments. I developed an obsession with being perfect. An obsession with something as unachievable as perfection drove me absolutely crazy. I had to have straight A’s, be a part of every club, please my parents, please my friends, and do it all with a smile. This, of course, was impossible. My freshman year of high school taught me that perfection does not have to mean ideal grades or an ideal transcript. A perfect life is one that is balanced. That is a balance of school work, social life, and “me-time.” Although I am still learning how to better balance my scale, I hope that every rising freshman (or anyone for that matter) learns to do the same.
Don’t look to be perfect, look to be balanced.