Teen Suicide Reveals Uncontrolled Administration of High School

March 10, 2023
On Friday, February 3, 2023, 14-year-old Adriana Kuch, student at Bayville, NJ, took her life. She was recorded being bullied by other students in the hallway two days prior. But long before this incident took place, Kuch was constantly getting bullied by her peers.
“I want laws put in place that these kids are prosecuted for making, posting, and sharing these videos,” said Adriana’s father Michael Kuch, in an interview with FOX News.
In the aftermath of Kuch’s death, four girls involved in the attack were charged by Ocean County prosecutors. Furthermore, many students and former students came forward and described the bullying they experienced at Central Regional High School.
“We’re scared to walk in the hallways of Central,” 9th grader Emma Smith said, reporting to ABC Action News. “We’re terrified we’re going to get picked on and bullied and jumped.”
Former student Sidney Mole also recalled her experiences of being bullied not just by students but also teachers. “I had a teacher sit there and tell an entire group of kids I was sitting with at a table in class that I was going down a deep spiral into a pit of despair and nobody should be friends with me because if they were friends with me I would just drag them down with me,” she told ABC Action News.
Protests took place outside of Central Regional High School due to the lack of anti-bullying measures implemented by the school administration and staff. Over 200 students were seen protesting outside the school building, according to Daily Mail.
Governor Murphy of NJ hinted that punishments would be delivered to the school administration and that he was very disappointed at how the school district was running, according to New Jersey 101.5.
Amidst all the commotion with Adriana Kuch’s suicide and the aftermath, Superintendent Triantafillos Parlapanides stepped down from his position. He is still receiving his salary, which was frowned upon by Governor Murphy.
School officials announced that they would be revising and attempting to fix the bullying problem in the high school, starting with the creation of a hotline for students and parents to report bullying incidents. Revision of numerous school policies and staff training on how to handle complicated situations are a couple components of a nine-step plan proposed by the school district.
On Fox News, acting Superintendent Douglas Corbett claimed that “these are just a few examples of ideas, and we look forward to developing these and other initiatives further.” Whether we will see positive change or not in this school district will rest on the decisions of the administration.