Calling All Students: Help Hurricane Victims and Donate
Hurricane Maria will forever be known for its destructive and malignant effects. The school will be taking donations from students and families to help Maria’s victims.

Residents of Puerto Rico receiving aid.
October 23, 2017
Winds were blowing at 150 miles per hour, knocking down trees and destroying houses. Rain was pouring and drowning the little island of Puerto Rico and other Caribbean isles. People were standing knee deep in the muddy water, trying to make their way towards safety. The death toll has racked up to the nineties, but there are still hundreds of people missing. The victims of Hurricane Maria are still, after three weeks, tired and thirsty and traumatized.

But what can they do without electricity? Most power lines and cell towers were hit and, as of today, only 16% of Puerto Rico has power. Cell phone and internet signals are sparse, making it impossible for communication. Both food and clean water are running out. Hurricane Maria left Puerto Rico, an already economically-struggling nation, with $45 billion to $95 billion just in damages.
That is why the school will be collecting donations to help Maria’s victims. Clubs like the Spanish Club and Global Care have set up donation boxes around the building. Any donations from you, the students, would be beneficial and helpful, such as the following:
- Blankets
- Canned/Packaged foods
- Water bottles
- Flashlights
- Batteries
- Hand sanitizer
- Feminine hygiene products
- Baby items
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Toys for children
- Blocks
- Coloring books/pencils
- Dolls
- Puzzles
- First aid kits
- Clothing/Undergarments
Students can also donate to help Hurricane Maria Victims by clicking on the link here and donating money. Every cent counts!