To whom it may concern at the DoorDash Headquarters:
Hey there! I (along with every other DoorDash user) have been trying to get in contact with you. I’ve sent multiple messages through the app, the website, your email, and now this letter. I’m not even sure you’ll be receiving this letter (or any of the other hundred messages I’ve sent)… or maybe you are getting them and choosing to ignore them. But you cannot run and hide forever; I WILL grab your attention, even if it means storming into the San Francisco headquarters myself.
I’m lazy, and I’ll admit it: the reason I (like most) don’t dine in or personally go to take-out food is because of pure and utter laziness. But, considering I am an extremely loyal customer, have the decency to at least try delivering my food within a normal time frame. I mean, c’mon, should my order from Dunkin, which is a mile away, really take close to an hour to arrive? I understand that there may be other orders or not enough dashers, blah, blah, blah, but I’m hungry, and when I order my food, I want it quick.
Oh! And the audacity you people have to ask if I want to pay an extra $2.99 for express delivery. What type of scam are you running? Thinking I would fall for these preposterous fees… I tried the express delivery once, and guess what? IT WASN’T EXPRESS. On top of the optional delivery fee are all the random and required fees. Like, really, a “Small Order Fee” of $2.5, what if I just want to be skinny for once and order myself one meal instead of five? It’s tactics like this fee that makes it seem like you guys are encouraging obesity.
Don’t even get me started on the Dashers. I pay all these fees and give a nice tip just for them to do worse than the absolute bare minimum on my delivery. After ordering, I sit on the app and track the locations of my Dasher. Almost every single time, I see them make a wrong turn or drive like a chicken with their head cut off and go completely out of the way. HOW HARD IS IT TO FOLLOW THE NAVIGATION SYSTEM?! Immediately, when my Dasher starts going the wrong way, I call them. Do they ever answer me? No. For the sake of god, please at least answer my messages.
The idea of a food delivery service was genius and never seen before, but after my MANY bad experiences, I’ll have to take my business elsewhere unless change occurs. So, I beg of you to consider the issues with DoorDash before you lose all your clients.
Karen’s around the world