The Student News Site of Tenafly High School

The Echo

The Student News Site of Tenafly High School

The Echo

The Student News Site of Tenafly High School

The Echo

A Teenager’s Requiem to Play 


Have you ever reminisced on those carefree childhood days when the time felt infinite and playing was your only agenda? Ah, the bliss of childhood. Well, I recommend holding onto that nostalgia real tight, because once you hit those teenage years, you’ll have to say goodbye to all the days of playful living and say hello to the eve of adulthood. 

Welcome to the teenager’s requiem to free time, where clocks tick faster than light and leisure becomes a distant memory. 

With the transition into teenage years, academics ascend to a newfound importance in our lives. Once regarded as a social place where friendships flourish, school now is in need of our undivided attention with its rigorous standards and unrelenting demands. Each week is packed with exams and multiple assignments to complete. It’s basically a constant cycle of challenges and responsibilities. This academic pressure isn’t just noticed at school, but it is felt at home too, as parents aspire for us to excel in school, so we can attend the best of the best colleges and then the best of the best law firms. With parents’ academic pressure, on top of the school’s, we shift our focus to making our parents proud and striving to be the best in our classes rather than taking time for relaxation. 

Then, there are the sports that consume six days of our week, from Monday through Saturday. Practices stretch for two grueling hours, while game days keep us glued to the court or field from the last school bell until the sun sets. Once the final whistle of the game blows and the last cheer echoes from the crowd, most student-athletes find themselves racing home to tackle the towering piles of assignments awaiting them. The race against time is constant, leaving little room for conversations with friends, catching up on your favorite TV show, or finishing reading your current book. The clash between sports and academics reveals challenging balances, leaving you to collapse in your bed, and fall fast asleep. 

In addition to the academic and athletic commitments, part-time jobs further tighten the grasp of time on us. Many students take up part-time jobs to earn extra income, gain work experience, or provide for their family, but these positions often demand significant time and energy. Whether it’s flipping burgers at the local diner or stocking shelves at the nearest grocery store, part-time jobs consume precious hours outside of school and sports. Can you only imagine having to attend work during the evening or on the weekends? Absolutely brutal. The only time when downtime is somewhat available for students, it gets taken away. 

As we grow from children to teenagers, we unfortunately are faced with the harsh reality of growing up. The once-abundant hours of play and relaxation turn into long days filled with academics, sports, and jobs. Yet, this difficult transition is nothing compared to all of the scary challenges up ahead;  the never-ending work needed to support a family of our own. The best part of life, it seems, we already had when we were little kids, when the world seemed so full of possibilities and our dreams knew no limits. Tragically, the goodbye to childhood has begun.

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About the Contributor
Ella Plotkin
Ella Plotkin, Staff Writer
Ella Plotkin (’27) is excited to cover stories discussing current events, entertainment and sports. In her free time, she enjoys playing soccer, lacrosse and basketball. She also likes to travel, listen to music, and spend time with friends.