The Student News Site of Tenafly High School

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The Student News Site of Tenafly High School

The Echo

The Student News Site of Tenafly High School

The Echo

An A-Z Summer Bucket List

Photo: Pixabay

With summer break right around the corner, teens are feeling mixed emotions. They are happy because they get a break from school and excited for the warm weather and relaxation, but they also question how they will spend their 75 days of summer. Here are some ideas, A-Z, on how to spend your summer vacation.

A. adventuring

Summer is all about getting out and exploring. It is a time to take risks, get out of your comfort zone, and enjoy being a teenager. We are so caught up with technology and getting older, but it’s time to be more carefree, and the best way to do that is to adventure. I challenge all of you reading this to go somewhere new this summer, whether just visiting a new town or going to a new country; these adventures will elevate your summer.

B. barbeque

Summer evenings are the perfect time for a barbeque. With the warm night breeze, fireflies lighting up the sky, and light smoke from the grill, barbeques bring people together. When I think of a traditional American summer, I think of wholesome nights lounging around the backyard and laughing with my closest family and friends.

C. camp

Camp is an absolute staple for students at THS. Whether returning for your CIT summer or spending your last summer as a camper, it is the place to be. Camp is where independence is learned, and lifelong friendships and memories are formed. For many, camp is a time to disconnect from the world of Tenafly and be one with nature.

D. diving

As young kids, we all learned to dive, but as we have gotten older, it seems that most of us have lost this skill. Access to a pool or lake is easy, so this summer, I challenge all of you to relearn how to dive. Although it is such an insignificant skill, why not learn how? You never know when a diving contest may occur.

E. exercise

During the school year, so many students are wrapped up in their homework, studying, and extracurriculars that they do not leave time for exercise. But exercise is essential for teens, so summer is a great time to catch up. You can hit the gym, do yoga, or go on a run in the nice weather.

F. fireworks

Fun, friends, and fireworks—what better way to spend Independence Day? No one loves fireworks more than Americans, so finding a festive fireworks show will be easy. The bright colors crackling in the sky and the loud “ooh’s” and “aah’s” from the crowd show the true spirit of summer.

G. gardening

Summer is the perfect time to pick up on new hobbies, and a great one is gardening. Fruits and vegetables sold in supermarkets are no comparison to home-grown, fresh produce. With some nurturing and summer’s intense sun, your produce can flourish. 

H. hiking

We are surrounded by nature, and it should be enjoyed. With the serene sounds of birds chirping, leaves crunching under your feet, and the wind swaying, summer is the perfect time to take a hike. Many beautiful hiking trails are near us, such as the Tenafly Nature Center and Palisades Interstate Park. 

I. ice cream

Picture this: it is a 90-degree day in the middle of July; you just finished going for a swim or a walk, and you want something refreshing to cool you down. Ice cream it is. In the summer, ice cream trucks are everywhere, and ice cream shops are in their prime time, ready to serve you some fresh ice cream. Ice cream is the best summer treat with its cold feeling and smooth consistency. 

J. Jersey Shore

As Tenafly residents, we are fortunate. In just over an hour, we can reach the Jersey Shore. Whether you stay all summer or just for a day, endless possibilities are down the shore. You can go to the boardwalk to play games, ride bikes around the beautiful towns that make up the Jersey Shore, or go to the beach and boogie board in the big waves. 

K. karaoke

Karaoke is a great rainy-day activity. It’s indoors, keeps you busy, and is fun. Karaoke is a bonding experience. The way the music flows and people sing in an offbeat manner brings people together. Having a karaoke day will leave you with endless laughs and memories.

L. lawn games

You may be at a barbeque or chilling on the beach with friends, so lawn games are a great way to keep you occupied. There are many games to choose from: Cornhole, Kan Jan, Horseshoe, or my personal favorite, Ladder Toss.

M. mushroom hunting

In homage to Mr. Whitehead, mushroom hunting is a must for this summer. Mushroom hunting allows you to be one with the beauties of nature. It is exciting and could even lead to the discovery of edible mushrooms. Just don’t eat anything that you’re not 100% sure of, because poisonous mushrooms can kill you!

N. noshing

Everybody loves great food, and summer is the perfect time to try new foods. With all the time on your hands, go out and try new restaurants or make new recipes. There are hundreds of restaurants near us that are worth the try. 

O. ocean

Oceans are the most versatile things on this planet. There are boundless possibilities with them. You can swim, sail, waterski, boogie board, surf, or even just take in the sun from the sand. The best summer vibes come from the beach, so go out and enjoy an ocean activity.

P. parties

Parties do not have to be an extravagant thing. With some friends and some music, you are bound to have a great time. And, because of the fantastic summer weather, your party can be outside. Going to an outdoor party will help you soak up the true meaning of summer.

Q. quality time

Summer is all about having fun and freedom, but focusing on maintaining and strengthening various relationships is essential. Summer allows us to bond with others without the stress of our daily lives. It is a great time to make memories, and quality time will help with that. 

R. reading

After a challenging school year, many might not want to see the word reading, but finding a book that sparks your interest is excellent. Like many others, I do not enjoy reading books in school, but when I get a book that I enjoy, I find it hard to put it down. Independent reading is the prime way to keep your mind sharp during the summer book. And who knows, you may really enjoy reading and continue with the hobby.

S. sailing

My favorite summer activity is sailing. It is such an easy-to-learn and calming hobby. Nothing is better than feeling cool water splash up and the wind blowing against the sail on a warm lake day. It is exciting to learn new things, and you can take sailing lessons on many beaches.

T. tanning

You will undoubtedly get tan from high UVs and outdoor activities. After a long day of trying to tan at the beach, nothing is more satisfying than seeing the tan lines left by your bathing suit. This summer, get some color but make sure not to get too burnt. Use sunscreen!

U. unwinding

With no school and minimal summer school work, summer is the time to unwind and take a break. Go outside and enjoy nature, do hobbies you love, and ultimately, relax. We only have so many years to enjoy our summers before entering the real world, so take every chance you get to have fun and don’t take any moment for granted. 

V. vacationing

With the length of summer, it is a flexible time to travel. Having a break from school is vacation enough, but people love visiting various locations. Whether just a weekend in the Hamptons or a galavant around Europe, it is nice to take a getaway. 

W. writing

Similarly to reading, some people might not want to spend their summers writing, but many have to spend some time writing. Getting ahead on college applications is essential for rising seniors, and for others, summer reading essays are awaiting you. Do not focus all your energy on writing, but spend some time. 

X. Xbox gaming

Summer is a time for relaxation; for some, that means gaming. Without the stress of school and homework, students will have more time for hobbies like gaming. Have fun playing video games before the new school year starts. 

Y. yoga

A great hobby to pick up is yoga. You can do it any time, any where, as long as you have a flat surface. It is a great workout and a way to calm down after a stressful school year. Getting started in yoga is simple; many in-person classes and online tutorials exist.

Z. zzzz…

As students, we do not get enough sleep during the school year, so summer is the time to catch up. With nowhere to be, there is no reason to wake up early. Staying up late and sleeping in is a summer privilege, so make sure to take in that luxury.

I hope these ABCs give you some insight on how to spend the days of summer. Take in every second, go out, and try something new while also doing the things you love. The first licks of summer ice cream are on the tip of our tongues, with just a few days left before the break starts.

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About the Contributor
Orli Rosenstein
Orli Rosenstein, Staff Writer
Orli Rosenstein ('26) is very excited to write for The Echo. She is interested in writing stories about student life, current events, and entertainment. She enjoys traveling, playing lacrosse, and listening to music.