Crescent Duck Farm in Aquebogue, New York, is facing a devastating blow as it becomes the latest casualty of the ongoing avian flu outbreak, specifically the highly contagious H5N1 strain. This farm, which has been in operation for over a century, is known for producing some of the finest ducks for restaurants across the Northeast.
As a result of the outbreak, the entire flock of nearly 100,000 ducks must be culled, potentially putting an end to the business and marking the closure of Long Island’s last duck farm. According to The New York Times, the impact is significant, as Crescent Duck Farm supplies 3.5% of the nation’s commercial duck supply, a vital contribution to restaurants in cities like New York, Washington, D.C., and Boston.
In addition to impacting waterfowl, the virus has also spread to numerous cattle and cow ranches nationwide, according to Reuters. This year alone, the outbreak has resulted in the first human fatality in Louisiana.
Avian influenza, or “bird flu,” is a highly infectious disease primarily spread by birds. While human cases are rare, symptoms can range from mild issues like conjunctivitis or minor respiratory discomfort to severe complications such as pneumonia and meningoencephalitis. According to The New York Times, 67 cases have been reported. The Cleveland Clinic states that the virus mainly affects the lungs and respiratory tract, causing significant distress in advanced cases. Traditionally, those in direct contact with infected animals—such as poultry farmers—are most at risk. However, recent studies suggest possible transmission through contaminated eggs or milk.
Long Island’s economy was once supported by the thriving duck farming industry, with 90 farms spread across Brookhaven, Southampton and Riverhead, according to a history written by the Suffolk County Department of Planning. However, today only one duck farm remains, the Crescent Duck Farm. Now, even this duck farm hangs in the balance, as increasing avian flu cases continue to threaten its survival.
The outbreak has led to the slaughtering of millions of birds, disrupting the production and causing egg prices to soar. However, the impact of the avian flu extends far beyond economic loss. Long Island’s culinary heritage is also at risk. Crescent Duck Farm is the sole producer of the famed Long Island Duck, a delicacy cherished by many. Employees, too, are affected by this disease. According to The New York Times, Crescent Duck Farm had to lay off more than half of its employees due to ongoing losses. This has left many workers without an income, deepening the hardships for families who have worked for this company for years.
Doug Corwin, the fourth-generation owner of Crescent Duck Farm, said to The Times about this profound loss: “I have done this all my life, and we are the last of this industry.” His words carry the weight of not just a family legacy but also the fading tradition of Long Island’s once-vibrant duck farming sector.
The Crescent Duck Farm may soon close its doors, marking the end of an era for both the local economy and the region’s culinary traditions. The only chance of salvation for this company lies in the hands of the government, with the revival of the company depending on whether or not it is allowed to keep the remaining thousands of duck eggs. These duck eggs possess the genetics that were developed over generations. Without these genetics, the duck farm will be lost, as these genes are what make the Long Island duck famous.
With the future ahead uncertain, Corwin expressed to The Times his indifferent opinion regarding the continuation of the duck farm: “I am not 100 percent certain I want to go through that unless the U.S.D.A. approves a vaccine for this virus.” His concerns surrounding future outbreaks make it hard to commit to rebuilding his business.
Corwin is not alone in his apprehension. The CDC has expressed concerns about the growing threat of avian flu and continues to monitor the situation closely. Health officials are tracking cases, researching transmission methods, and advising the public on precautions such as avoiding contact with wild birds, reporting sick or dead birds, and maintaining biosecurity measures on farms.
While this farm faces immense challenges, it is clear that both the local economy and restaurants that utilize this duck are at risk. As Corwin calculates his next steps, the fate of this industry depends on government support and the development of a vaccine. All in all, this situation makes it clear that the world is in need of a swift, effective cure for the avian flu.