Asia in Africa

December 15, 2017
Asia and Africa are the two biggest landmasses, and powerhouses in the world. In the past decade these two continents have begun to start relations—known as the Sino-African relations—involving an exchange that will increase the stability and power of each continent, particularly China and several African countries, on many different fronts.
With China as the rising economic powerhouse in the world, and Africa as the leading agricultural continent, these two places working together create an extremely powerful pair.
But what is the purpose of the Sino-African relations? The purpose of these relations it is to increase China’s economic standpoint and agricultural strength; while for Africa it is to gain support medically, economically, and politically.
In our current world, stable land is limited. According to data compiled in 2014 by, only 35.5% of the world is arable land. This data shows us that our ability to cultivate food is slowly declining. In light of this data, the race for arable land is becoming more and more important. Especially for high population countries that have the responsibility to support their people, a surplus of food and agriculture is vital.
But a question to think about is, why did China look to Africa in light of this data? According to, “estimates show that 52% of the world’s remaining arable land is in Africa.” Seeing that China has the world’s largest population, at 1.379 billion, food is an important commodity to that country. With China’s planned appropriation of Africa’s fertile land, China will be able to boost its country’s food supply and even its industrial power. With a surplus of food, China will be able to feed its people and decrease hunger.
Africa has had many setbacks in the past, which have resulted in suffering at the hand of disease and corruption. China, an economically developed country, can offer economic help to Africa, and with Chinese expertise in medicine and science, can help to decrease the death rate in Africa, as well.
According to the 2016 Corruptions Index, Africa suffers from at least an above average form of corruption. With this recent data in mind, it is clear that all of Africa needs as much help as it can get to economically improve and to destroy corruption. “In too many countries, people are deprived of their most basic needs and go to bed hungry every night because of corruption, while the powerful and corrupt enjoy lavish lifestyles with impunity, “ said José Ugaz, Chair of Transparency International. Corruption is the cause of many of the political and economic struggles that plague Africa, but with help from the most developed country in the world, Africa may be able to significantly improve its economic and political position.
The Sino-African relations are an incredible opportunity for both of these countries to rise in the world and to help themselves. With a powerful ally like China, select Africa countries can overcome the nightmares of corruption or disease. The Sino-African relations can undoubtedly boost China’s economy to a place unrivaled by any country and boost its industrial power as well.
China, with the help of Africa’s agricultural power, can have a surplus of food to not only feed its massive population but to also power its industries as well. China can increase Africa’s political and economic position and power. Also with help from China, Africa can improve medically, offering its scientific expertise to exterminate deadly diseases, which plague Africa, and even rebuild buildings such as schools or hospitals.