The Incredible Comeback: The Incredibles 2

Incredible Family
December 19, 2017
Last month, Disney and Pixar dropped a teaser trailer to the sequel of their popular animated superhero film, The Incredibles, which was received with high acclaim thirteen years ago. The ending of that film was a cliffhanger, leaving fans antsy for the sequel. This probably explains why the trailer has hit seventy-two million views since its release on YouTube. The release date for the movie will differ from country to country, but here in the United States it is scheduled to hit cinema screens on June 15th.

According to Brad Bird, writer and director of The Incredibles, the movie starts where the first left off. Unlike the first movie, the sequel centers around Elastigirl, voiced by Holly Hunter. Mr.Incredible, on the other hand, is going to be a stay-at-home dad watching his youngest child, Jack-Jack, since he shows signs of power that even he cannot control. Other than this, Brad and the entire crew are keeping quiet about the whole plot.
Hunter revealed to Entertainment Weekly that she was excited to be playing the main role of the movie and to become the “next Wonder Woman.” She added, “It feels like women are reasserting their strength in different ways. I just think it’s beautiful that ‘Incredibles 2’ is allowing Mrs. Incredible to reveal all these other different colors of who she is.”
The Incredibles 2 will be a great inspiration for girls not only because Elastigirl is a superhero, but also a mother of three. Being a mom herself, Hunter also stated that Elastigirl is “full-fledged” character, uncovering a “real incredible sense of competitiveness and ambition.” Hunter also celebrated the film’s empowerment of women, saying “[Elastigirl] throws down the gauntlet in this one. It’s so much fun to see a woman luxuriating in those two arenas, because women have for so many generations been brought up to not be ambitious or to not be competitive, and it’s fun to see Helen [Elastigirl] basking in those two arenas in much the same way that we give men license to do.”
The movie releases in six months, but it is already under the spotlight, sparking controversial arguments amongst fans and non-fans. A fan quoted online on iO9 “it’s a perfect time. Superhero films are the new vampires and this should do really well. Can’t wait to take my kids to see it.” On the contrary, a non-fan said, “it’s been 13 years, and the baby is still a baby, and also, it’s a cartoon about superheroes…so whatever…”
However, it cannot be as bad as people say it is going to be. After all, it is a movie made by Disney.