Clubs You Might Have Missed at this Year’s Club Fair

October 23, 2018
Because THS offers so many clubs, the club fair can often be overwhelming. However, the large number of clubs ensures that there is something to interest almost everyone, so I explored the club fair to scout some out. Here are 7 clubs you might have missed:
Photography Club
At meetings, this club’s members learn how to use a camera, dabble in different photography styles, and even take occasional field trips to New York City. A recent excursion was to the Whitney Museum, where club members took photos in the museum and in the city. Members’ work is showcased in the “Light Leak” magazine, which is printed each year. This year, the presidents are aiming to publish two issues of the magazine.
When and Where: Wednesday during lunch in Room 131
History Club
If you want to expand your history education beyond the classroom, this club might be for you! The History Club attends two competitions each year: National History Day and the National History Bowl. Members scrimmage in preparation for competition during club meetings. This club is much more than memorizing and reciting, as members have to research and compile information to relate it to the theme of the year.
When and Where: Tuesday after school in Room 225
Junior Statesmen of America (JSA)
The JSA is a national organization in which chapters from many schools work together to promote participation in the country’s democratic system by becoming informed on and discussing pressing issues. For each meeting, a new topic is selected and debated by the members. Beginning in 2019, the THS chapter is going to go to competitions with other chapters in which they will prepare information on a given topic and choose which side the members would like to argue for. Unlike the Debate Club, new issues are discussed during each meeting, which helps members become informed on a variety of issues.
When and Where: Every other Thursday in Room 149
Philosophy Club
What is the meaning of life? What is knowledge? How can I achieve these? If you have ever contemplated questions like these, the Philosophy Club is the place for you. For each meeting, officers pick a brief video that presents a philosophical question. Then, members express their thoughts and opinions on the video. Unlike a debate-style discussion, there is no picking of sides. Members simply express their thoughts and possibly contribute other knowledge that they have on the topic.
When and Where: C Days during lunch in Room 215
Controversy Club
In such a polarized political climate, it can be daunting to share your opinions on controversial topics like abortion, gun control, euthanization, and others. This club is a safe place to discuss heated issues constructively, informally, and respectfully. A new topic is discussed in each meeting, and all viewpoints are welcome.
When and Where: Friday at lunch in Room 206
Science Discovery Club
Remember when science was all about making cool things and doing hands-on experiments? In the Science Discovery Club, you can regain that childhood fascination of science! In this club, elementary school students come to the high school twice a month, and club members help them conduct fun experiments. Past experiments include making slime, lava lamps, and quicksand! Plus, the club is beginning to give community service hours this year.
When and Where: Twice a month on Wednesdays after school in Room 104; next meeting- October 24